Diamonds are natures most beautiful and precious creation. Diamond, a mineral composed of pure carbon. It is the hardest naturally occurring substance known; it is also the most popular gemstone. Because of their extreme hardness, diamonds have a number of important industrial applications.
Natural Diamonds
Natural Diamonds are made up of billions of carbon atoms and most were formed between one to three billion years ago, deep below the earth's surface under high pressure and intense heat.
Lab-Grown Diamonds
The only thing that makes a lab-created diamond different from a natural diamond is its origin. A lab-created diamond is grown inside a lab using cutting-edge technology popularly Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) or High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT), which replicates the natural diamond growing process. The result is a man-made diamond that is chemically, physically, and optically the same as those grown beneath the Earths surface. Lab-grown diamonds are not fakes. They're not a cubic zirconia. They have all the same physical and chemical properties as mined diamonds.
Diamond Jewellery
Jewellery is often viewed as a fashion accessory for completing an outfit. For many, a look is not complete until the right accessories are added. A "classic" look, for instance, demands pearls and diamonds for completion.
Jewellery has played an important role in human life for thousands of years. We learn from history that ancient civilizations appreciated jewellery and it was used to highlight the natural beauty of its wearers. Different pieces were worn to symbolize different messages such as security, wisdom, elegance, and prosperity.
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